ANTWAN MORRIS and HEATHER BOORMAN-MORRIS met through a dating app and quickly discovered that each of them had been victims of narcissistic abuse for nearly two decades in their previous marriages. With patience, healing, and a bit of risk-taking, they have learned how to trust again and finally experienced truly being loved.

ANTWAN lived the stereotypical lifestyle of a young black male growing up in the inner city. With 20+ years of hard work and advocating, he changed his path, is pursuing college studies in the field of Social Work, and speaks publicly to help today’s youth heal from their traumas and create the lives they desire. When he’s not studying, working, or mentoring, ANTWAN is the self-described narc-hunter of the couple and works to help others identify narcissists in their lives.

HEATHER lived the stereotypical lifestyle of a young white girl growing up in a suburbish small town. She is a licensed clinical social worker and provides therapy through her own private practice. She specializes as a trauma therapist and with neurodiversity. HEATHER also teaches as an adjunct social work professor at the University of St Thomas.

Please note - no middle-aged podcaster/author/advocate was harmed in the taking of the picture to the left. :)