ep 1.6 The Narc Playbook: Lovebombing

Heather's flying solo on this episode to talk more in depth about lovebombing. What are the strategies narc's use to reel you in and keep you on the hook? How can you tell the difference between typical early relationship romance and the narc lovebomb? Listen in as Heather deep dives into the shallow and often effective Lovebombing chapter of the Narc Playbook.

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Encouragement Corner:

"Once you've been bamboozled by a narcissist, you'll be forced to view everyone as a narcissist until proven innocent." -unknown

Song of the Week - Gaslight by Snow Tha Product


Read more about lovebombing in Heather's newest book "A Thousand Paper Cuts: A Therapist, Her Narcissist, His Trap"


ep 1.7 The Narc Playbook: Devaluing


Episode 1.1 Heather’s Story