ep 1.8 ARE there two sides to every story?

"There are two sides to every story" "It takes two to tango" "Nothing is ever black and white"

These common colloquialisms are . . . well . . . common. But do they apply to abuse? ARE there actually two sides? Is a situation ever black and white?

We're going to emphatically say NO. What effect does it have on victims when they are told there are two sides to every story? How can we tell who is the victim and who is the narcissist? Listen in as Heather and Antwan share their thoughts about believing victims, sparked by a real world situation in which someone responded to Heather's book with "there are two sides to every story."

Encouragement Corner:

"The truth is simple until you try to explain it."  -unknown

Song of the Week:

"Middle Fingers" by MISSIO


Want to learn more? Read Heather's Story filled with information and experiences of narcissism:

"A Thousand Paper Cuts: A Therapist, Her Narcissist, His Trap"

Listen Here


ep 1.9 the narc playbook - discard


ep 1.7 The Narc Playbook: Devaluing